What Happens When Clients See Their Live Blood During Analysis?
When a client sees their own blood moving around on a screen they have a visceral, emotional connection to those cells. They are literally seeing inside their body! The realisation that these cells are responsible for the way that they feel and for the health of the rest of their body creates a major shift in approach to their own health.
Clients often come to an appointment with me armed with a pile of papers that are the results of various blood tests conducted by doctors or other nutritionists.
I often ask them if they understand the results of these tests and how they have helped. Their answer is usually no – they don’t understand what the numbers mean or how to interpret the results, and most often they are confused after having been told that their results are normal yet they feel awful.
They rely on the practitioner or doctor to interpret the results for them and very often the practitioner relies on the laboratory to interpret the meaning of the results for them.
Clients come to me for looking for a different experience. Rather than a list of numbers, they want a meaningful analysis of the state of their health, something that they can understand and that they can relate to. This is the advantage of Live & Dry Blood Analysis.
Health is More Than Skin Deep
When judging health from the outside we can often tell when something is wrong - for instance a skin rash or a cough. But it is often the unseen disease processes that lie beneath the surface, invisible to the naked eye, that we fear the most.
We are all aware of the images of diseased lungs that are printed on the side of cigarette packets or adverts that graphically illustrate the physical effects of smoking. We are often told that one in three of us will get cancer; we are led to believe that a disease like that can come out of the blue and we have very little power to stop it.
How many of us heed the warnings or change our behaviour? These fear-based warnings can be powerfully motivating, but humans tend to be good at ignoring them, especially if they appear to be healthy –on the outside at least.
Seeing your own cells can be a powerful experience
The majority of my clients come to me when they are already in pain in some way, whether that is an actual physical pain such as arthritis, or the emotional and mental pain of being constantly fatigued but no idea why, for example.
And so the challenge for the Live & Dry Blood Analyst is to make sure we do not add to the fear that clients already have. We need to motivate in a positive way, offer hope by educating clients about their bodies and this we can do through LDBA – with clients viewing their own cells.
When a client sees their own blood moving around on a screen they have a visceral, emotional connection to those cells. They are literally seeing inside their body. The realisation that these cells are responsible for the way that they feel and for the health of the rest of their body creates a major shift in approach to their own health.
“How bad is my blood?”
Clients usually confess after the analysis session that they were worried about how bad their blood would be and that there would be signs of chronic disease. One of the most common questions I get asked by clients after we have looked at their blood is “how bad is my blood?” and “Can you tell if I am going to get a disease like cancer?” This is understandable of course and something I bear in mind.
I use LDBA to offer clarity, understanding and most of all, reassurance that you can affect your health positively and that it is never too late.
I am often able to reassure clients that their blood is not as bad as they feared it would be. Additionally, their blood may well reveal some issues that I need to highlight in order for them to understand how important it is that they make changes to their diet and lifestyle. I am able to use their blood to educate them as to which habits are causing imbalances and which habits they can integrate to improve their health.
Their blood cells give me leverage as a practitioner and offer motivation for the client.
Motivation for Change - Humans Will Do More to Avoid Pain than Gain Pleasure
It is a fact of human nature that we often know exactly what we should be doing or what we should stop doing in order for change to happen – but without leverage, without a powerful reason, a “why”, we do not commit.
We need leverage – what will happen if we don’t change – “I don’t want to end up on medication for the rest of my life” or “I will never get rid of the pain”.
We need a goal – something we feel strongly about – “I want to be fit enough to enjoy my grandchildren” or “I just want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for life”.
The WOW Factor
The other response a client has when seeing their blood is amazement. They very often cannot believe what they are seeing.
It makes them think about their body in a different way. Knowing that the cells they are looking at were created by their own body and that the condition of them is dictated to by what they eat, how they move and what they feel and think on a daily basis, is very powerful.
If we are better educated as to how to look after our body, to understand what it needs to be healthy and how to interpret our symptoms as a call for help then we can feel empowered.
Good for Clients & Good for Practitioners Too
As a practitioner, I find LDBA incredibly rewarding.
I know that no matter why my clients come to see me, whether that is a diagnosis, a collection of uncomfortable symptoms or that they are just looking to check their health status I will be able to look at their blood to reveal a picture of their health that is unique to them, informed by the cells of their own body. It eliminates guesswork, theories or assumptions about what may be going on.
Clients often have an emotional reaction and feel very inspired by the awesomeness of their body. They have a new found respect for it which leads to a deep curiosity as to how they can help it. This gives me an opportunity to share my understanding, my knowledge and experience as a nutritionist. I feel that I can make a real difference, that they listen deeply and this propels them to make the changes I recommend.
Every client is unique and the cycles of regeneration may take longer for some than others. By re-testing clients’ blood after a period of 2 to 3 months we can get visual confirmation of the improvements in health. It allows me to adapt my protocol to continue through the cycles of regeneration and it confirms that the recommendations I am making are working. It can be very rewarding for both my clients and myself to see improvement.
“Why doesn’t everyone do this?”
By the end of a LDBA session my clients express a variety of emotions and thoughts.
The most common response is – “wow!” - Seeing their blood cells has had a profound impact on the way they feel about their body and how it works.
Very often they say, “This really makes a lot of sense, now I get it!” – They see how all of their symptoms are connected, that their habits will either build or breakdown their health.
Their final words are usually “why doesn’t everyone do this?” – and this is exactly why I have written a course training health practitioners in Live & Dry Blood Analysis.
Many practitioners have a passion to help others improve their health and yet come across obstacles. The biggest obstacle is overcoming human nature – practitioners have to affect a client deeply enough within a short space of time so that they are left with a lasting drive to make the changes you recommend.
LDBA is the best tool I know for overcoming these issues.
If you would like to know more about Live and Dry Blood Analysis Training so that you can use it to assess your clients’ health then please follow this link.
You are also invited to join our Facebook Group ‘Learning Live Blood Analysis’ - a private group of students, qualified analysts and anyone interested in learning.
If you have any questions about this topic or LDBA in general please email Shirah directly at info@naturecureacademy.com or add a comment below!
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Shirah Mustardé Ba DipNN
Course Director
Naturopathic Nutritionist
& Live Blood Analyst